What is Recovery Alive?
Recovery Alive is a revolutionary church-based response to human brokenness, and is rooted in the power, people, and process of the Christ-centered 12 steps. If you are looking for a pathway to true healing and lasting freedom, start here!
Get connected right now with our online community of safe and supportive Online Groups!

Begin your pathway to healing by picking up our best-selling Recovery Alive Handbook!
Learn more about our faith-based Recovery Alive Homes!
Learn how to start your own Recovery Alive Ministry!

For 15 years, I struggled to stay sober...
For 15 years, I struggled to stay sober for more than a few months because I was trying to do it alone. RA Homes gave me a safe place to live while I completed my process group, rebuilt relationships with my family, and most importantly, built my relationship with GOD. Once I asked for help and was willing to do the work, God placed people in my life to guide me.
- Austin Davis
At an early age, I was molested by a neighbor...
At an early age, I was molested by a neighbor, leaving me with deep trauma, shame, and guilt. As an adult, I was caught in a 30-year spiral of substance use - crack cocaine, heroin, and a lifestyle of crime, landing me in jail and prison seven times. In 2023, I moved into Recovery Alive Homes, convinced God wasn't real. But within two months, I gave my life to Jesus Christ, and my world began to change.
- Tonya Hagwood

Donate to the Revolution!
Become a monthly donor and help us expand our life-transforming revolution! With your generosity, we can reach more communities, open new Recovery Alive Homes, and provide safe, supportive environments where people can rebuild their lives through faith, connection, and recovery.