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Recovery Alive National Coaches are here for YOU!

Whether you are wanting to start a recovery ministry in your neck of the woods or looking to grow an existing ministry, our National Coaches are here to help! Each Coach has extensive Recovery Alive ministry experience and training, have their own thriving recovery ministries, and are equipped and called to walk you through the many ups and downs of launching and running your own program. Recovery is not meant to be worked alone, and neither is recovery ministry!

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Brian and Miranda have been in Recovery Ministry the past 10 years.  Both Brian and Miranda have passion for seeing life transformation. Over the past 10 years while leading a thriving Recovery Program in Southeast Tennessee they have seen marriages restored, addicts set free and those struggling with hurts and hang-ups be made whole through the power of Jesus Christ. 


Brian and Miranda are both Clinical counselors in mental health and substance abuse. Brian is currently a licensed minister with the Church of God (Cleveland, TN). Their goal is to help and mentor other leaders who desire to grow a program where life transformation is possible. They desire to see the Holy Spirit move and be the heart of their program, leading them every step of the way.


Brian and Miranda reside in Cleveland TN. God has blessed them with growing their family through adoption by bringing Lilly Grace and Levi Into their lives . They love traveling, spending much of their time in the Smokey Mountains and spending time with family and friends.

Brian and Miranda Keplinger

Executive National Recovery Coaches

Kathleen and Peter Isabell have been married for over 9 years and have made the process of restoration and recovery their life's work. They have both enjoyed the process of restoring and transforming homes for many years but when God opened the door for them to begin an recovery ministry in their church in Chaska, Minnesota over 5 years ago, they were able to stand back and watch the Power of Jesus Christ restore and transform LIVES weighed down with shame, grief, brokenness, and addiction.


Recovery ministry is their passion and they are excited to come alongside leaders who want to begin recovery ministries in their communities.

Kathleen and Peter Isabell

National Recovery Coaches


Karen resides in NC and serves Recovery Alive as one of the National Online
Director and Coach. She has been involved in Recovery Ministries for 13+ Years after walking through the doors of recovery with severe panic attacks, anxiety and the effects an abusive marriage that ended.


In previous years, Karen has served in several roles including that of a Co-Ministry Leader for 2 ministries in her area, represented both her state and region in helping Recovery Ministries to start up while providing additional support for existing ministries. She has trained others on the how to of and planned connection events throughout WV to encourage and connect the recovery ministries in her state and bring awareness to those in the community. In her role as the National Online Director, Karen looks forward to continuing to connect with and encourage people online both on Wednesdays at Noon ET and Fridays at 7pm ET for Recovery ALIVE during Power and People Groups as well as helping them plug into Process Groups and Service Opportunities.

As a National Online Recovery Coach, she is excited to come alongside other Recovery Alive ministries and support them with whatever online assistance they may need in starting their own ministry.

Karen Reese

National Online Recovery Coach

Rich and Beth are Directors of Recovery Alive, Bethel Church in Goldsboro, NC. Having been active in recovery program leadership for the past 4+ years under the tutelage of John Eklund, they launched RA at their home church in September 2021 and operate a wildly successful ministry with all facets, including meal service, youth programs, and a street outreach ministry.


My name is Beth, and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I struggle with codependency, self-worth and eating disorders. After a 23-year marriage dissolved, I found myself totally dependent on Jesus for healing and restoration. I lost everything on this earth I held dear, and God is restoring it all. I am a Hospice Nurse Manager currently finishing up my Master's in Nursing.


I'm Rich, a grateful believer in Jesus, who has delivered me from drugs, drunkenness, anger, pride, shame, and more! I am a 30-yr active-duty military retiree and MBA, currently working on my Masters in Pastoral Counseling in Addiction and Recovery at Liberty University. I currently serve as the Discipleship & Recovery Pastor at Bethel Church.


Married for 2 years, we are empty nesters with a combined 7 grown children. We are happy to help guide/mentor anyone wanting to launch a RA ministry from scratch or transitioning from another recovery program.

Rich and Beth Cederman

National Recovery Coaches


Joel and Erica have been married for 22 years which almost ended after 6 years of marriage because of Joel's drug addiction. After surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ and attending Celebrate Recovery their marriage has totally been renewed and lives transformed. Today they are thankful that God saved their family of 5 from divorce and the wreckage that could have affected their 3 beautiful daughters. They have been involved in recovery for the past 16 years while also loving to help with the Spanish community in hopes to reach the lost. 


Today they serve at The Father's house of Kerman which is located in the small community in Fresno County, California, where they have been living and serving since they have given their lives to Christ.

Joel and Erica Ureña

National Recovery Coaches

James and Debra have been involved and serving together in Recovery and Counseling ministries since 1997. They served as Celebrate Recovery (CR) Ministry Leaders for 15 years as well as holding CR inside and Outside State Rep positions.


James was currently employed at Prison Fellowship for six years and has been serving as a Chaplain Resource Liaison for the Western Territory. James is also a State Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor, Pastor of Recovery and Chaplain.


Debra is a Board Certified Licensed Biblical Counselor and has been serving as a Counselor and Author of Biblical Coaching and Counseling curriculum for Churches, Federal and State Corrections and local government agencies.


James and Debra reside in Southern California and have been married for 48 years and have three adult sons and nine grandchildren.

James & Debra D'Amato

National Recovery Coaches

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Lisa Farsht is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Addiction Counselor residing in South Carolina.


She and her spouse, Randy, have been married for nearly 30 years and have two wonderful adult children. Lisa has been leading recovery ministries since 2002 and is currently the Recovery Ministry Director at East Pickens Baptist Church, overseeing a thriving Recovery Alive program.


She has personally experienced the freedom and healing of Christ from addiction and depression.  Lisa's goals are to see lives changed and to develop leadership into life-changing agents who bring healing, hope, and restoration to others; we are called to rebuild life together. She is an avid hiker and recently hiked the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim.

Lisa Farsht

National Recovery Coach

Becky Chanters lives in Smithfield, VA and has been married to her husband, Jeff, for 28 years. They have been blessed with 3 adult children and 7 grandchildren. Jeff and Becky have been Ministry Leaders of Celebrate Recovery at Liberty Live Church for 4 years and in 2024, transitioned to Recovery Alive.

Becky was born and raised in a church community. She lead Bible studies, sang in church choirs, participated in women’s ministries, all the while never realizing the brokenness of codependency and food addiction in her life until God led her into Recovery Ministry. God had prepared the pathway and journey to transform decades of a life filled with guilt and shame to complete freedom in Christ.

Becky realized through participating in Recovery Ministry that God was calling her to a life of surrender, and a calling to share the hope of recovery that God placed in her path on a daily basis. These experiences have come exponentially through Broken Chains, Motorcycle Missionary, AACC Mental Health Coaching, and sharing in Recovery Alive Power, People and Process groups.

Becky Chanters

National Recovery Coach

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Jessica and Keith Kersnowski are the ministry directors of Recovery Alive @ Connect City Church in Summerville Georgia, where Keith also serves as the Worship Pastor. They have three beautiful daughters Cadence, Kennedy, and Caroline. Jessica is a kindergarten teacher and was recently awarded teacher of the year. They have been serving in ministry to the lost and broken for over 10 years with a passion for seeing God breaking the chains of addiction. 

Jessica and Keith Kersnowski

National Recovery Coaches

In February of 2012, Ben and Christine found themselves in the midst of a failing marriage.  Ben's several year struggle with alcohol and Christine's struggle with co-dependency were a perfect storm for their marriage.  After several rounds of secular and christian counseling, they finally found their way into a 12 step Christ based program grasping at the last bit of hope they had to salvage their 17 year marriage.  After working the program, Ben realized he had to put God first in his life, then his recovery and everything else would fall into place.  Christine completed several 12 step groups to navigate her struggle with validation finding a huge fear of abandonment.  


After leading at their home church for several years, they launched a new Christ based Recovery program in Christine's home town, Salem West Virginia.  As ministry leaders they have grown outreach programs in their community and are gearing up to launch their first RA home for Women called Restoring Victoria.  The ministry recently celebrated 7 years of serving their community. 

Christine and Ben Sturtevant

National Recovery Coaches

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Tracy has been in the Christian Recovery Ministry for over 9 years with a  passion for helping others find personal freedom through a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. 


She is the ministry leader for Recovery Alive at her home church, Shoal Creek Church located in Deatsville, Alabama. She serves as a National Coach for Recovery Alive and is honored to now serve as a Regional Ambassador as well.


She has been married for 30 years to her husband Leslie.  God has used Christian Recovery to restore their marriage.  They have 2 children and 9 grand blessings.

Tracy Boozer

National Recovery Coach

210 Peedin Rd., Smithfield, NC 27577


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